Friday, April 24, 2009


- Friday, 3:30 pm (Thai time) / 2:30 am (Philly time)
Yep, we're here after some 35 hrs. of transit (Philly - Detroit - Tokyo - Bangkok - Chiang Mai.) Yes, it was L O N G, but we're thrilled to be here - safe and sound but TIRED!

We're at the hotel - washing up and resting and then out to dinner with Boonchu at 6:00. We're also trying to stay cool; it's hot here.

SO, Here is just a sampling of pics to give you a little sense of what the journey was like.

STARTING POINT - Philly Intl. Airport - Thanks to the "two Daves" who got us there.

AND THEN WE WERE OFF! Enjoy these takes as the trip wore on... getting us closer and closer to our destination - CHIANG MAI!



  1. I am so thankful to the Lord for your safe trip and look forward to what He is going to do in and through you. This blog is great! We are praying each night as a family for you. Tom, make sure you are included in the pictures!! (you thought we did not not notice??:)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So glad you arrived safe and sound and loving the posts and pictures. Prayers for you all from the Haubers!

  4. Loved the picture of Ellie and Pam -- kinda reminded me of Costco shoppers! :D
    Hope you will all be able to have a little time of relaxation and refreshment before full time ministry. The hotel looks quite modern which surprised me. Thank you, Tom, for taking those pix! And yes, I agree with Danna- we do notice your absence and are hoping to see your smiling face, too. BLESSINGS to you all. May His Holy Spirit fill you with wisdom, discernment, and encouragement. We love you!

  5. Be renewed day by day! I can't wait to see what other opps God has given you to gather the nations! How Awesome He is! Stay cool. :D The Marturano's.
